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16 May 2016
It’s the second bank holiday of the month and millions of Brits are set to hit the roads to make the most of it. Whether it’s a mini-break or catching-up with relatives, either way, many will choose to travel on the roads. The aftermath of the credit crunch has spurred demand among Britons for staycations at home and many of us will be thinking about planning our getaways and bracing ourselves for a weekend on the roads.
Paul Tomlinson, Motoring Expert at Halfords said; “When it comes to basic checks and generally being prepared, our research has shown a quarter of Britons get their cars checked every 4 months or less and roughly 1 in 5 don’t understand any of the icons on their dashboard.
Although these types of checks are fairly simple, it is important that these are actually carried out more frequently as it really helps to avoid hassle on road trips, which becomes especially tricky when we’re expecting delays or jams.
Given the huge numbers on the roads it’s not surprising that drivers will come under a certain amount of stress. According to our research, road works and traffic jams are the most stressful part of car journeys (57%). Delays (37%) come in second, and finding the way (36%), a close third”.
However, there are a number of easy steps drivers can take to help avoid stressful situations and here’s how to make your car journey a smoother and breezier experience:
With the increasing prospect of driverless cars becoming a reality, some of us even dream of the time when autonomous cars mean a convoy of vehicles automatically keeps to a set speed, calculated by a central computer, making jams a thing of the past. But where would be the fun in that?
This summer, Halfords and Halfords Autocentres are offering free of charge summer car checks at over 700 sites across the UK with no appointment needed.
For more information visit www.halfords.com or www.halfordscompany.com