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This Policy applies to all directors and employees of Halfords Group Plc and its subsidiaries (together the "Group", or "Halfords")
At Halfords, we are fully committed to supporting global endeavours to combat all forms of Bribery and Corruption and to carry out business fairly, honestly and transparently. This both reflects our Group commitment to comply with all relevant legal and regulatory frameworks, and clearly demonstrates our integrity, transparency and ethical practice.
Halfords Group Plc together along with all of our subsidiary and branch companies has a clear anti-bribery and corruption policy and we support our colleagues to make decisions in line with our stated position. Giving or receiving bribes is never acceptable and we take a zero-tolerance approach to those involved in bribery and corrupt practices. We expect everyone to adopt the same approach.
This Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy (the “Policy”) therefore serves to explain how we effectively enable the Halfords Group to observe anti-bribery and anti-corruption laws wherever our colleagues are working around the world. It also aims to ensure that any other party or organisation that is acting on our behalf or in our name, applies the same rigour in its operational business. If colleagues are uncertain about any aspect of this Policy, or if they need further advice, guidance or support, they are advised to contact the Halfords’ Company Secretary at legal.dept@halfords.co.uk.
Graham Stapleton
Chief Executive Officer
19 March 2024
1.1 The aims of this Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy are to:
Notwithstanding the above, this Policy cannot cover every possible situation that may arise when conducting business activities around the world. Therefore, each colleague must use this document - and their own common sense - to identify any activity that may either contravene current legislation or violate this Policy.
If in any doubt about any particular situation, colleagues should contact Halfords’ Company Secretary at legal.dept@halfords.co.uk.
1.2 This Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy seeks to ensure Halfords’ compliance with the UK’s Bribery Act 2010 (the “Act”) and US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act 1977.
2.1 This Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy applies to everyone who works for Halfords Group Plc and its subsidiaries (together the “Group” or “Halfords”), including permanent colleagues, contractors, temporary and agency workers.
For the avoidance of doubt, this Policy serves to reiterate that all forms of Bribery and Corruption are strictly prohibited by Halfords. Any breach of this Policy could therefore result in disciplinary action being taken, and could result in dismissal.
2.2 Halfords’ Company Secretary is responsible for ensuring that this Policy is fully observed, and for providing support so that colleagues understand their personal responsibilities.
2.3 The Company Secretary is responsible for ensuring that an up-to-date Anti-Bribery and Corruption training programme is available to all colleagues via the Hub, and for monitoring and reporting training rates.
3.1 “Bribery” is the offering or giving of a financial or other non-financial advantage to another person in order to improperly influence their views or actions. It also covers requesting, agreeing to receive or receiving a financial or other non-financial advantage to improperly influence views or actions. The law defines ‘improper performance’ as a breach of trust, lack of impartiality or performance in bad faith.
Thus, bribery can cover a wide range of behaviours. Forms of bribery, all of which are prohibited under the terms of this Policy, include, but are not limited to:
3.2 “Corruption” is the abuse of an entrusted power or a position for a private gain.
4.1 Halfords will not tolerate any form of bribery or corruption amongst its colleagues, suppliers or any associated parties acting on its behalf. All Halfords’ business should be conducted in an honest and ethical manner.
Specifically, colleagues must never:
4.2 It is however noted that bona fide hospitality and promotional, or other business expenditure which seeks to improve Halfords’ image, better present products and services or establish cordial relations, is recognised as an established and important part of doing business, and it is not the intention of the Policy to penalise such behaviour.
4.3 Halfords’ Board will not criticise management for any loss of business resulting from adherence to the Policy. Equally, no colleague or contractor will suffer as a consequence of bringing to the attention of the Board or senior management, in good faith, any known or suspected breach of this Policy, nor will any colleague or contractor suffer any adverse employment or contract decision for abiding by this Policy.
5.1 There are many forms of gifts and hospitality, and whilst this Policy cannot provide an exhaustive list, guidance is included in Appendix 1 below. Notwithstanding this, whenever accepting or giving a gift or hospitality, colleagues should consider the intention that accompanies it. If this is, or could be, construed as influencing ‘improper performance’ or ‘improper behaviour’, then it is likely to amount to a bribe. For example, it has become commonplace for suppliers to offer free places, accommodation and/or travel to colleagues at conferences, where the intention is that they will meet with a number of potential suppliers of products or services. Whilst these events may not cause a problem in themselves, Line Managers should carefully consider the implication and impression of allowing a supplier (current or potential) to fund a colleague’s attendance at such an event.
5.2 Whenever a colleague makes or receives an offer of hospitality or a gift, even where the offer is declined, it must be recorded on the Group’s Gift Register. To do this, colleagues must complete a Corporate Gift and Hospitality Register form (the “ABC Gifts Form”), which must be signed by the colleague’s Line Manager and promptly lodged with the Company Secretary. Line Manager approval must be received before any hospitality event or gift is accepted or made. The ABC Gifts Form is available at:
6.1 Whenever engaging third party organisations / suppliers, it must be ensured that each organisation has agreed to appropriate Bribery and Corruption compliance within its contract. Halfords has already ensured that the Group’s standard procurement Terms and Conditions (Goods For Resale (“GFR”), Goods Not For Resale (“GNFR”) and Halfords Global Sourcing) include references to bribery and corruption legislation. For contracts other than these standard terms, colleagues should seek advice from the Legal, Governance and Compliance Team.
Where an organisation refuses to sign a contract containing these provisions or asks for them to be removed, the refusal must be escalated to the Company Secretary, who will assess the impact of the refusal and decide on an appropriate next step.
6.2 Colleagues should remain alert as to the potential for suppliers to ‘influence’ local officials with routine tasks such as customs clearance, duty preference documents or favourable treatment of the import/export of raw materials. Any known or suspected Bribery in the supply chain should be reported immediately and confidentially to the Company Secretary.
7.1 It is not the policy of Halfords to make political donations.
7.2 Halfords is proud to support charities and communities across the UK, through charitable donations, gifts in kind and time. Charitable contributions or donations must never be made with the expectation of receiving any improper benefit for Halfords. Donations to charities associated with public officials and their families represent a significant risk for bribery and should be carefully considered and recorded.
8.1 If a colleague is aware of - or genuinely suspects - that bribery or corruption is taking place within the Group, or has a genuine concern about inappropriate commercial conduct, they must raise their concern at the earliest possible stage.
Colleagues should choose the most appropriate route to report their concern from:
All concerns regarding Bribery or Corruption, inappropriate conduct in financial reporting, acts of dishonesty or any other malpractices, will be investigated thoroughly and dealt with in line with the Group’s Whistleblowing Policy and/or Disciplinary Policy.
Line Managers have a responsibility to escalate claims or concerns of the nature outlined above.
8.2 Investigations into Bribery and Corruption may lead to disciplinary action being taken, up to and including dismissal.
Equally, Halfords may terminate any contract or relationship with other individuals and organisations if there is a confirmed, or serious concern of a, breach of this Policy.
9.1 Training is an important part of the implementation of this Policy. Thus, training will be mandatory for all new colleagues, and annually thereafter.
10.1 The Board will monitor this Policy at least annually and through periodic review of Internal Audit findings by the Audit Committee. This Policy will be reviewed every year by the Company Secretary, or sooner where the Board so requires, where there is a change in law or practice or where the Group’s risk profile significantly changes, for example where it moves into other geographies or markets, or materially alters its sourcing model.
11.1 The Company Secretary will review the Policy no later than March 2024.
Colleagues must observe the following guidance in respect of receiving or giving gifts and hospitality. Remember, even when following this advice, colleagues must still complete the Group’s Gift Register.
(i) Receiving Gifts / Samples
1) Never accept or offer monetary gifts.
2) Never give the impression that the award of business is conditional upon gifts or hospitality, or ask / encourage a third party to provide a gift or hospitality.
3) Gifts received from suppliers must never be accepted on a personal basis and must instead be placed in a raffle for charity, other than (i) low value items such as pens, calendars, mugs and diaries that carry a company logo, which can be retained by colleagues; or (ii) low value gifts where receipt is a local/cultural tradition and it would be impolite to decline (e.g. in China), provided that the gift has been pre-approved by the colleague’s Line Manager.
4) Gifts must be delivered to a work location, and not to a colleague’s home / alternative address.
5) Samples received from suppliers will not become the personal property of any individual, unless purchased through a properly organised sample sale. Samples may be removed for evaluation as part of a colleague’s role (and returned at the end of the evaluation), but only where Line Manager’s approval is obtained through the existing samples logging system.
(ii) Giving Gifts
1) Never offer or give a gift to a Public Official, including Foreign Public Officials.
2) Never make a cash payment to a Public Official other than in an official capacity.
(iii) Hospitality
1) For certain roles, it will be appropriate to have dinner with a supplier (e.g. when on a foreign trip or at an exhibition).
2) Meals and entertainment (including sporting/music events) are acceptable provided they are:
3) Gifts or hospitality should always be avoided whilst any tendering process is underway or any contract or engagement is being negotiated.
4) Where hospitality is being offered, Halfords should seek to pay and/or reciprocate at least half of the time and when more than one colleague is involved and Halfords is paying, the most senior employee must pay. Any such payment may be recoverable as expenses but only if it is incurred in accordance with the Expenses Policy.