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The Gender Pay Gap Report highlighted that across the Halfords Group of companies, our mean and median hourly pay gap is less than the national average, with a women’s mean hourly rate being 1.15% higher than men’s and the median hourly rate 3.98% lower than men’s.
Our focus remains on two areas, firstly improving the gender balance across the Group and secondly building awareness amongst our colleagues of career progression opportunities. We have a number of initiatives in place to support this which include partnering with schools and colleges to engage with future potential colleagues, delivering virtual ‘Values’ sessions to colleagues right across the Group and promoting our Group career path.
Halfords is a diverse and inclusive place to work and we are confident that these actions will continue to support us in maintaining this.
To read our full report, please follow the links below:
ROI Gender Pay Gap Report 2024
ROI Gender Pay Gap Report 2023
ROI Gender Pay Gap Report 2022