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24 August 2017
With August Bank Holiday approaching, a poll by Halfords reveals the likes, gripes and knowledge of campers across the UK. Whether it’s pitching their tent first or getting tent envy, one thing is for sure, camping is on the rise with 43% of families hitting the campsite this year.
Despite loving to explore and hit the campsite, Brits aren’t always happy when staycationing… 20% of campers described themselves as liking to rough it and experience rural camping, however 16% admitted to being reluctant campers, who are doing it to please more enthusiastic loved ones. Domestic creature comforts are a must for 20%, while 18% find it difficult to sleep under canvas. The temperature can be a struggle for some, as 19% complain that they are too hot or cold. One of the biggest bugbears is kids running amok, with 19% of those surveyed saying that this is one of the most annoying things when camping.
We’re also a nation of competitive individuals; like those who rise early to reserve their sun loungers when holidaying abroad, 25% of those polled like to arrive early to the campsite to snag the best spot and set up their tent early. A competitive 16% like to be the first to pitch their tent, racing friends or loved ones to claim bragging rights. And one in 10 race to get to the shower blocks first every morning, before the hot water runs out.
The competitive spirit extends to spending on accessories with 34% of those polled typically spending between £81-£100 on camping technology for their trip.
Despite this there is still a lack of camping knowledge. 20% don’t know how to pitch a tent, while 57% of those that do take over 20 minutes or more to pitch their tent.
Brits love exploring, with 54% stating that their main motivation for camping is to enjoy the great outdoors, whilst 50% said they choose camping as a holiday as they love the affordability compared to holidaying abroad. For 41% camping means they can spend quality family time together, as it allows time to switch off from technology and get away from the stresses of modern life.
We’re a friendly lot at heart; 16% like to meet their camping neighbours as soon as they arrive, and 12% like to open up bubbly as soon as they arrive to get into the holiday spirit. 6% of savvy campers like to get to know the on-site staff for expert hints and tips.
This bank holiday, whether you’re off to the campsite with the family, heading to a festival or want to make the most of the good weather with an impromptu trip, save big with Halfords’ up to half price camping sale.
For further information please contact Halfords@z-pr.com or 020 7896 3404
Or visit www.halfords.com or www.halfordscompany.com
* Research taken from Halfords Onepoll survey of 2,000 adults July 2017