Our Journey to Net Zero

Our Journey to Net Zero

Gaining SBTi approval of our Science Based Targets is a significant achievement for our business and gives us a strong platform on which to build our plans to achieve Net Zero. The pathway to Net Zero remains a significant challenge for global businesses with no simple route to achieve the goal. Businesses must unite with their suppliers to better understand how to work together to reduce carbon emissions.

Our Science Based Targets give colleagues across the business a mediumterm, more tangible goal on which to focus, giving meaning to the longer-term target of achieving Net Zero. The next decade is a critical time to limit global warming and our target reflects this, with our targets aligning to the stricter and more challenging 1.5 degree pathway set out in the Paris Agreement. Colleagues across the business are being asked to engage with all suppliers in order to begin the process of capturing carbon data, ensuring we maintain momentum. We are encouraged that a number of our suppliers have already started their own Net Zero journeys and we are learning from each other to understand how we can all do more.

We remain committed to doing our part to combat climate change and will remain transparent throughout our journey towards Net Zero.